Monday 13 July 2020

Home learning week 14

Week 14 home learning activities – 13/07/20

Dosbarth Pendre


Lets have  a reminder of all of the letters and sounds we have looked at:
Set 1: s, a, t, p
Set 2: i, n, m, d
Set 3: g, o, c, k
Set 4: ck, e, u, r
Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

This video reminds us of the sounds and helps us practise

There is a good game to play here…

Let’s revise the vowel trigraphs ‘ear’ and ‘air’

where they can practise finding words with the diagraphs we have been looking at (chose phase 3 digraphs)

As before, this is the video of the song we have used in class to say the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make – our alphabet song…

There are games that we have played in class on:

There is a final set of activities at  (summer term week 12 and the ‘How many legs’ section).  As before there are 5 days worth of activities here based around a book, but you don’t have to have the books to do them.  They are all very practical activities that you can do, there is no need to print anything off, just download the ‘get the activity’ for each day.

Joe Wicks is still doing PE sessions, but only  3 times a week now at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well.  RCT have produced some guidance and activities too, which is available here

Our topic for the last half-term has been ‘Splendid Skies’ and was all about the weather. 
The weather is set to be better this week (fingers crossed!). On a sunny day encourage the children to investigate how shadows are made. Allow them to take objects outside to investigate shadows. Include objects with holes in them e.g. sieves, colanders or plant pots for interest. How does the shadow change as the object is turned? Remind them of the safety aspect of never looking directly at the sun.
Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know.

Study ladder
I have added more activities onto study ladder:

School re-opening
It has been great to see Reception over the last three weeks.  Thank you for all your support with learning materials sent home.

Next year
Although this year has been a strange one and had its challenges for us all, it has been an absolute pleasure to get to know your children and be their teacher this year.  Hopefully you will have seen a communication from Mrs Price to confirm that I will be teaching Reception/Year 1 next year, and that Miss Hughes and Mrs Bamford will continue to be part of the team.  I am delighted, and I hope you agree that it will also be very beneficial for the children to have familiar faces to come back to next year after the disruption and uncertainty this year has brought.

Hope you all have a great summer and continue to stay safe. I look forward to seeing you all in September.

Mr Griffiths

P.S. Please find below a ‘starting Reception checklist’ for next year, which lists the kind of things the children could do with knowing/being able to do for when they start full days in school 

Sunday 5 July 2020

Home learning week 13

Week 13 home learning activities – 06/07/20 
Dosbarth Pendre 
Let’s have  a reminder of all of the letters and sounds we have looked at: 
Set 1: s, a, t, p 
Set 2: i, n, m, d 
Set 3: g, o, c, k 
Set 4: ck, e, u, r 
Set 5: h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss 
This video reminds us of the sounds and helps us practise 
Let’s revise the vowel digraphs oo and or 
Can you please help your children to practise and learn the following tricky words (which can't be decoded) 
he, she we, me, be, was, you, they, all, are, my, her  
Can they use their phonic knowledge to sound out the words shown  
(no need to print out, you could just copy the words or read from a screen). 
Which uses all the sounds they have learned so far. 
As before, this is the video of the song we have used in class to say the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make – our alphabet song… 
There are games that we have played in class on: 

There are more great activities on  (summer term week 11 and the ‘The Dinosaur that pooped a planet’ section).  As before there are 5 days worth of activities here based around a book, but you don’t have to have the books to do them.  They are all very practical activities that you can do, there is no need to print anything off, just download the ‘get the activity’ for each day. 
Joe Wicks is still doing PE sessions, but only  3 times a week now at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well.  RCT have produced some guidance and activities too, which is available here 
Our topic for the last half-term is called ‘Splendid Skies’ and is all about the weather.   
This week the children will find out about the water cycle.  How does the rain come out of the clouds? You could use sponges in water to recreate the water cycle: use different vocabulary to explain the process: rain, cloud, shower, storm, droplets. 
Try ‘being a cloud’: imagine you are a cloud what would you see if you were above your house (when you have imagined make a drawing and then have a look on google maps aerial view of what it looks like).
Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know. 
Study ladder 
I have added more activities onto study ladder: There are now 184 learning activities on there!  Well done to all of you who have been doing them, especially to Damien and Isaac who have nearly done them all!!
School re-opening 
It was lovely to see so many of Reception last week and we are all really looking forward to seeing them again this week!  There is no need to bring back any of the paper activities that we sent home last week, just the reading book and the folder is fine.  We will then re-assess the children and send home some more personalised learning materials. 
Hope you are all well and continue to stay safe. 

Mr Griffiths