Monday 27 April 2020

Home learning Week 4

Week 4 home learning activities – 27/04/20

Dosbarth Pendre


Have a look at these videos for the sounds p, i and n

Have a look at these videos about the sounds ai, ee and igh

Also, this is the video of the song we have used in class to say the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make – our alphabet song…

There are games that we have played in class on:

I have seen some great examples from you of using last week’s ‘Supertato’ activities from   (scroll down to summer term week 1 and the ‘Supertato’ sections).  There are lots of fun activities to do here, you don’t have to have the books to do them.
They have now uploaded summer term week 2 activities which feature pirates! (Scroll down to summer term week 2 – 27 April).

I’m sure you’re aware that Joe Wicks is doing daily PE sessions at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well. (My family are insisting I do these too J)

Our topic is ‘Superheroes’!  Here are some ideas for this week:
-Watch a superhero cartoon of your choice.  What did you watch?  What powers did they have?  What happened in the film?  Was there a villain?
-Poses – can you take photos of yourself in a superhero ‘pose’?  What name would you give each pose?

Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know.

Study ladder
I have added lots more activities onto study ladder:

Extra tasks
I am wary of putting too much on here, please don’t feel you have to do all of these suggestions.  But if you are after extra literacy-based work, similar to what we would be doing in class, then here is a whole booklet full of great activities from Talk for Writing (T4W).  We use T4W activities in class to help learn stories and write our own. Examples from this year would be the ‘Little Red Hen’, ‘Ahhh Bee’ and minibeast documentaries tasks that we did – see our blog for videos…

Here is a link for the pack… and please remember that they are to be done over several days!!

It was lovely to speak to so many of you last week.  Hope you are all well and continue to stay safe.

Mr Griffiths

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Home learning week 3

Week 3 home learning activities – 20/04/20

Dosbarth Pendre


Have a look at these videos for the sounds s, a and t

Have a look at these videos about the sounds ar, ur and er

There are games that we have played in class on:

Have a look on and scroll down to summer term week 1 and the ‘Supertato’ sections.  There are lots of fun activities to do here, you don’t have to have the books to do them.

I’m sure you’re aware that Joe Wicks is doing daily PE sessions at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well.

We are starting a new topic on ‘Superheroes’!  Here are some ideas for this week:
-Draw your favourite superhero - include as much detail as possible
-Create a superhero word bank - Superman/Batman/Doctors etc. (we will add to this next week too)

Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know.

Really missing everyone, hope you are all well and stay safe.

Mr Griffiths