Monday, 18 May 2020

Home learning week 7

Week 7 home learning activities – 18/05/20

Dosbarth Pendre


Have a look at these videos for the sounds ck, e and u

Can the children now say these words by blending sounds together…

kick, sock, sack, dock, pick, sick, pack
get, pet, ten, net, pen, peg, met, men, neck
up, mum, run, mug, cup, sun, tuck, mud

You can play a game like ‘I spy’ and find things that begin with letter sounds that they know.

Have a look at these videos about the sounds er, ng and th

Also, this is the video of the song we have used in class to say the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make – our alphabet song…

Can the children remember these ‘tricky words’ that we just have to learn as we can’t ‘sound them out’…

He, she, we, me, be, was, you, they, all, are, my, her

Some sentences featuring all the sounds are here
There is no need to print anything out, just read them from the phone/tablet/computer (or copy them down for the child to read).

There are games that we have played in class on:

There are yet more excellent activities on  (summer term week 5 and the ‘Superworm’ section).  As before there are 5 days worth of activities here based around a book, but you don’t have to have the books to do them.  They are all very practical activities that you can do, there is no need to print anything off, just download the ‘get the activity’ for each day.

Joe Wicks is still doing daily PE sessions at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well.  RCT have produced some guidance and activities too, which is available here

Virtual Sports Day
We are planning to have a ‘virtual sports day’ this Friday 22nd May.  You should receive an email letter about it this week, a full pack is available on our website here

Our topic is ‘Superheroes’!  Here are some ideas for this week:
Real life hero - research some real-life heroes, what power do they have? For examples: Doctors are heroes because they heal people/during this pandemic are caring for people.  I have put up a ‘people who help us’ quiz here, again no need to print it off:

Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know.

Study ladder
I have added lots more activities onto study ladder:

Mr Foster’s challenge
I have added this below.

I have been working on creating a new website for our school, and this is now live at if you would like to have a look.  It is still a work in progress!

Lovely to speak/see so many of you last week!

Hope you are all well and continue to stay safe.

Mr Griffiths

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Home learning week 6

Week 6 home learning activities – 11/05/20

Dosbarth Pendre


Have a look at these videos for the sounds o, c and k

Can the children now say these words by blending sounds together…
tag, gag, gig, gap, nag, sag, gas, pig, dig
got, on, not, pot, top, dog, pop, God, Mog

You can play a game like ‘I spy’ and find things that begin with letter sounds that they know.

Have a look at these videos about the sounds ear, air and ure

Also, this is the video of the song we have used in class to say the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make – our alphabet song…

Can the children remember these ‘tricky words’ that we just have to learn as we can’t ‘sound them out’…

He, she, we, me, be, was, you, they, all, are, my, her

There is no need to print anything out, just read them from the phone/tablet/computer (or copy them down for the child to read).

There are games that we have played in class on:

There are yet more excellent activities on  (summer term week 4 and the ‘Very busy spider’ section).  As before there are 5 days worth of activities here based around a book, but you don’t have to have the books to do them.  They are all very practical activities that you can do, there is no need to print anything off, just download the ‘get the activity’ for each day.

Joe Wicks is doing daily PE sessions at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well.  RCT have produced some guidance and activities too, which is available here

Our topic is ‘Superheroes’!  Here are some ideas for this week:
Villains (or baddies) and Superheroes - Can you think of as many of each as possible then sort them into good or bad - discuss your choices.  Are there some that are both good and bad?
Play ‘Superhero says’ - follow instructions in the same way as ‘Simon says’
Create your favourite superhero/villain - junk modelling/playdough/salt dough
Here is a simple recipe for making salt dough

Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know.

Study ladder
I have added lots more activities onto study ladder:

Extra tasks
I have kept this on from the last couple of weeks, as there is an awful lot of good stuff in there that doesn’t have to be printed off, you could adapt and write on paper etc.

If you are after extra literacy-based work, similar to what we would be doing in class, then here is a whole booklet full of great activities from Talk for Writing (T4W).  We use T4W activities in class to help learn stories and write our own. Examples from this year would be the ‘Little Red Hen’, ‘Ahhh Bee’ and minibeast documentaries tasks that we did – see our blog for videos…

Here is a link for the pack… and please remember that they are to be done over several days!!

Mr Foster is now producing a weekly challenge, I have added this below.

I had a request last week for some paper copies of activities, if this is also something that you would like, can you please let me know via Dojo and I’ll do my best to get something to you.

Hope you are all well and continue to stay safe.

Mr Griffiths

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Home learning week 5

Week 5 home learning activities – 04/05/20

Dosbarth Pendre


Have a look at these videos for the sounds m, d and g

Can the children now say these words by blending sounds together…
at, a, sat, pat, tap, sap, as
it, is, sit, sat, pit, tip, pip, sip

You can play a game like ‘I spy’ and find things that begin with letter sounds that they know.

Have a look at these videos about the sounds oa, oo and ow

Also, this is the video of the song we have used in class to say the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make – our alphabet song…

Can the children remember these ‘tricky words’ that we just have to learn as we can’t ‘sound them out’…

He, she, we, me, be, was, you, they, all, are, my, her

Can the children read these yes/no questions
There is no need to print anything out, just read them from the phone/tablet/computer (or copy them down for the child to read).

There are games that we have played in class on:

There are more activities on  (summer term week 3 and the ‘Hungry caterpillar’ section).  As before there are 5 days worth of activities here based around a book, but you don’t have to have the books to do them.  They are all very practical activities that you can do, there is no need to print anything off, just download the ‘get the activity’ for each day.

Joe Wicks is doing daily PE sessions at he is live at 9am but you can watch any time after as well.

Our topic is ‘Superheroes’!  Here are some ideas for this week:
Drama: Research cartoons/comic strips - act out the illustrations/story use/make props where needed (think about the structures of the stories - make drawings to help keep track)
You might want to design your own superhero (or use one you have already made) to ‘star’ in it.  I have uploaded a few sheets:

Keep reading as much as you can!  If you need any logins (oxford reading buddy / hwb / study ladder) please let me know.

Study ladder
I have added lots more activities onto study ladder:

Extra tasks
I have kept this on from last week, as there is an awful lot of good stuff in there that doesn’t have to be printed off, you could adapt and write on paper etc.

If you are after extra literacy-based work, similar to what we would be doing in class, then here is a whole booklet full of great activities from Talk for Writing (T4W).  We use T4W activities in class to help learn stories and write our own. Examples from this year would be the ‘Little Red Hen’, ‘Ahhh Bee’ and minibeast documentaries tasks that we did – see our blog for videos…

Here is a link for the pack… and please remember that they are to be done over several days!!

Hope you are all well and continue to stay safe.

Mr Griffiths